展览:里 / 外 - 艺术之外的未知空间
策展概念:阿芙•凡•艾森 Aaf van Essen (荷兰)
联合策展:阿芙•凡•艾森 Aaf van Essen / 杨志飞
开幕: 2016年10月22日 星期六16:00
展期: 2016年10月22日-11月11日
主办方 :C-艺术设计平台
合作伙伴: 厦门国际设计周、设计厦门、海边的Designers
设计支持: 厦门交叉媒体科技有限公司 MEXDIA
地点: 厦门市思明区望海路47号201 C-艺术设计平台
里 / 外
Art Brut源自法语,译为原生艺术,也称为局外艺术、稚拙艺术、原始艺术或残疾艺术,意指艺术领域之外的人们创作出来的作品。Art Brut由法国艺术家让•杜布菲(1901-1985)所创,并开始收集和保护此类艺术生态,并将藏品捐赠给位于瑞典洛桑的Art Brut博物馆。
如今的原生艺术概念早已别于当初,我们会谈到现代时期那些非学院的、未被发现的、不经意间的、并未经过专业训练和分类的“艺术家”。在本次展览上,我们尝试将这些“局外艺术家”的作品与我们所熟知的艺术家与设计师,例如让•杜布菲, 保罗•克利, 米罗, 毕加索, 卡雷尔•阿佩尔,眼镜蛇艺术群, 让•米切尔•巴斯奎特,凯斯•哈林, 索尔•勒维特,伊玛•布, 露娜•莫瑞尔等的作品及文献资料进行结合,而他们已然察觉到这些“局外艺术家”作品中附有的品质和吸引力。这些来自原生艺术、土著艺术、民间艺术和儿童绘画的启发,也将持续激发着包括艺术家、设计师们在内的所有人的灵感。
本展览概念源由阿芙•凡•艾森女士(荷兰艺术家、策展人), 杨志飞女士(中国艺术家、策展人)联合策展。展览同期也将推出相关导览、工作坊等互动活动。本展览为“2016厦门国际设计周-红点在中国”旗下的“海边的Designers”大型城市展览合作项目之一。
Joan Miró, Object, 1931
heinrich reisenbauer, Federblle, shuttlecocks, 2001
左1:Leonhard Fink, The Comb for Long Hair, 2003
右1:René Daniëls Foundation, Lentebloesem(spring blossom),1987
右2:Private collection, Lentebloesem(spring blossom),1987
Duhem Paul, têtes, Gouache et pastel, gras sur papier, 30×40cm
Mieke Gerritzen & Koert van Mensvoort
Inside / Outside
the unknown space of art
Art Brut is a French term that translates as 'Raw Art', or Outsiders Art, Naive Art, Primitive Art, Disabled Art, is often used to describe the work of people who create outside the conventional art circuit. For long time Jean Dubuffet 1901-1985 was the first artist how collect and defend this Art. He donated his collection to the Art-Brut Museum, Lausanne (Switzerland ).
左:Songye Kifwebe Mask, beschilderd hout, hoogte 63cm
中:Müller, Heinrich Anton, untitled, between 1917 and 1922
右:Jean Dubuffet, L'Homme a la Rose (1949)
In the time we live now we cannot longer define them with this term. We will talk about non-academic, undiscovered, unintentional, Untrained and unclassified ‘artists’ of the modern era. In this exhibition we combine works of these outsider artists with the documentary and works of artists and designers you already known like, Jean Du Buffet, Paul Klee, Miró, Picasso, Karel Appel, Cobra, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Herring, Sol LeWitt, Irma Boon, Luna Mauer. They already have seen and recognized the qualities and fascination of the work of outsider artists. The inspiration from Raw Art, Aboriginal Art, Folk Art and children drawings, are aspects with is an endless inspiration for artists and all of us.
The exhibition concept was given by Mrs. Aaf van Essen(Dutch Artist and Curator) and Co-Curated by Mrs.Yang Zhifei. (Chinese Artist and Curator) During the exhibition period we will launch related guided tours, workshops and other interactive activities. The exhibition is one of the collaboration projects of the city scale exhibition Designers at seashore which organized by 2016 Xiamen International Design Week - Red Dot in China.
Special thanks to the people and organizations who have given support.
Aaf van Essen
Bedu mask/ Ivory Coast
Anna de Jong
Irma Boom