Design Description | WHITECROW (JCMandarin)
A Retail Space Starting from the Perspective of Sales Interaction
We received a commission from whitecrow, a boutique handmade eyewear collection brand, to carry out the overall store upgrade for them in the Jing An Kerry Centre on Nanjing West Road, Shanghai.
The customer profile of whitecrow store is people who appreciate texture, pay attention to details, and value the shopping experience.
Design Thinking: Turning Contradictions into the Starting Point of Design
The space of the new store site is irregular in shape, with relatively low space utilization, and there is a column in the middle that needs to be dealt with. Creating a visually appealing space is a basic quality of a designer, but it's not the primary consideration. We hope to address the spatial contradictions while giving priority to considering the sales service scenarios of eyewear, and assist in the transformation of sales by optimizing the scenario experience of sales services.
Design Moves: A Clear Circulation Route Forms the Overall Functional Framework
In an irregular space, it is easy for the functional circulation routes to be complex and chaotic, which is not conducive to customers staying and calmly selecting eyewear. Meanwhile, during the communication with the store manager, we obtained the key information that "the original store had a complex circulation route, resulting in a high loss rate of walk-in customers. Once customers can sit down and have a face-to-face conversation, the success rate is over 75%". In conclusion, a simple, clear and efficient circulation route is crucial for the store, and an interactive mechanism for efficient communication with customers can greatly increase the customer acquisition rate.
Through the analysis and research of contradictions and problems, the design decides to build a story around the column. Around the central column of the space, a clear and simple circular circulation route is established to form the overall functional framework.
Inside the Circular Circulation Route: We embed a giant central island prop device around the column. Its functions mainly include reception related to sales, maintenance, key display, etc., to eliminate the sense of distance and focus on enhancing the sales service experience.
Outside the Circular Circulation Route: More than a dozen eyewear categories are spread out concentrically around the central island prop of the circular shape, establishing a second-layer circular space. The focus is on including more than 500 groups of boutique eyewear from over a dozen categories in it, with an orderly layout that creates variations within unity. Each category has its own unique features. It focuses on the scenario-based shopping experience.
Beyond the Circular Space: Through precise division, the circular functional area and the original polygonal layout create fragmented spaces, which appropriately meet all the auxiliary needs of the store, including optometry consultation, staff rest areas, storage spaces, and so on. The space is utilized to the maximum extent.
Detail Perception: Combining Details with Simplicity
The customer profile of whitecrow store consists of people who like texture, pay attention to details, and attach importance to the shopping experience. At the same time, considering the high quality and individuality of handmade eyewear. In terms of the use of spatial materials, we choose materials that can reflect cultural heritage, a retro style, and a sense of stability. At the same time, we are restrained in our material selection, limiting it to 3-5 key areas, hoping for unity, order, and a clear distinction between primary and secondary elements.
• Main Spatial Props: We select dyed wood with a retro feel, supplemented by exquisite hardware with a brass texture. In some local details, materials such as stone, leather, and soft upholstery made of cotton and linen fabrics are combined to present a clear overall state while taking into account the details.
• Floor of the Core Area: We choose a thick carpet in a retro turmeric color scheme, hoping to enhance the sense of relaxation in the space and strengthen the memory of its cultural heritage.
• A Lot of Empty Space in the Space: The empty space in the space is mainly intended to highlight the products for sale. At the same time, in the selection of the paint for the empty space, we hope for simplicity while still having details. After a lot of research, we decide to use a paint with a weak vertical texture, so that the overall tone is soft, hazy, and in line with the retro style.
In the design of commercial spaces, we believe that visual appeal is a basic requirement, and how to make the commercial space interactive and facilitate transformation is an important consideration in design.
设计团队: 几言设计研究室
项目地址: 上海
项目面积: 125平方米
施工: 上海中耕装饰设计有限公司
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颜小剑 上海几言设计研究室(Y.AN DESIGN STUDIO) 创始建筑师
曾就职于优意建筑(Unit architecture),简和设计事务所(GEN DESIGN),芝作室(Luk studio),于2020年在上海创立几言设计研究室,主要方向私宅改造及创意商业设计。
中国室内装饰协会陈设艺术专业委员会 委员