Janus Casa_网易家居图库

January ,如果追溯词源就会找到一个名字-Janus,古希腊神话中的双面神祇,代表双面属性交替变化之意,Janus Casa,包含理性与感性,冒险与安稳,其实从人性到生活本身无不如此。






设计说明: January ,如果追溯词源就会找到一个名字-Janus,古希腊神话中的双面神祇,代表双面属性交替变化之意,Janus Casa,包含理性与感性,冒险与安稳,其实从人性到生活本身无不如此。 家居设计通常包含两个层面:工程性的功能优化是内在,艺术性的生活本体是外在,两者完美结合,就是包豪斯提倡的技术与艺术的融合。在艺术层面,为钟情于洛可可样式的女主人打造的客厅充满沙龙感,满载艺术品和质感细腻的家私。 壁炉在家居空间里如同磁石,吸引聚集起沙发组团,围绕中轴线铺排成整个休闲空间。薄纱缥缈,稀释了三个方向进来的日光,让灰色调的墙面和地毯更加沉稳,更好反衬了家具和饰品颜色的跳脱。 与客厅融为一体的餐厅被石膏顶角线以虚拟的方式分隔,独立成小区域。方正的餐厅轮廓在强化中心的聚焦感的同时,也影响桌椅的选择,以更具东方特色的圆餐桌代替欧式条桌,在用餐中增加了家庭成员的交流,蕴含团圆的意念。 好的私宅一定可以透过设计,感受到主人的特别之处,个性使然的部分。购房者已不是从前贪大求奢,而是更务实与精神气质的打造,设计师也不只谈风格,而忽略客户的职业和个性的浅层模式。 安生设计师吴振宝所说的,设计其实就是为客户创造梦想和实现梦想,最后获得的是心灵的纯净和个性的解放。

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Janus Casa

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

项目名称:Janus Casa 空间性质:私人别墅 设计单位:ANSWER安生设计 软装设计:1637艺术陈设 项目位置:浙江省绍兴市越城区大滩六号院 建筑规模:600+㎡设计师:吴振宝 安生装饰设计有限公司 设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

Janus Casa其余图片:
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