CASA MIA 桥和西の自宅_网易家居图库

拥有一颗安静的心做予人启迪和温度的设计家是能让人治愈和滋养的地方——Wabi-sabi大师Axel Vervoordt语录

拥有一颗安静的心做予人启迪和温度的设计家是能让人治愈和滋养的地方——Wabi-sabi大师Axel Vervoordt语录







△《Moon》Davide Groppi△《Serie Up 2000》B&B Italia有的物件,只是夸张但是夸张背后充满神秘和故事的,却很少脚是平凡又深刻的象征

△《Moon》Davide Groppi△《Serie Up 2000》B&B Italia有的物件,只是夸张但是夸张背后充满神秘和故事的,却很少脚是平凡又深刻的象征



△《谜鹿》画家 侯俊杰若非是对生活的热爱,设计师恐怕很难做出这样的设计。不高估自己,而是设计就是内心最真实的反映。如果没有积极地参与到家务活、柴米油盐中,厨房和餐厅的设计,应当只能作为观赏。

△《谜鹿》画家 侯俊杰若非是对生活的热爱,设计师恐怕很难做出这样的设计。不高估自己,而是设计就是内心最真实的反映。如果没有积极地参与到家务活、柴米油盐中,厨房和餐厅的设计,应当只能作为观赏。





△《意大利视觉挂画》欧阳金桥 个人摄影作品昌迪加尔椅堆砌在昌迪加尔议会大楼的废墟,仅仅六七卢币一把,被法国古董收藏家回收修复后,反手拍卖就是巨额资本。而如今,复古、自然之美,已深入人心。混凝土、清漆,原始土建的立柱,这些都是童年的映射,是实物本质的存在。当从城市回到家,脱掉鞋子,光脚踩在清凉的地砖上,闻到植物从后院传来的气息,看见厨房已经富有岁月痕迹的木纹砖,这一切都不断让我们热爱生活,热爱我们的家人。

△《意大利视觉挂画》欧阳金桥 个人摄影作品昌迪加尔椅堆砌在昌迪加尔议会大楼的废墟,仅仅六七卢币一把,被法国古董收藏家回收修复后,反手拍卖就是巨额资本。而如今,复古、自然之美,已深入人心。混凝土、清漆,原始土建的立柱,这些都是童年的映射,是实物本质的存在。当从城市回到家,脱掉鞋子,光脚踩在清凉的地砖上,闻到植物从后院传来的气息,看见厨房已经富有岁月痕迹的木纹砖,这一切都不断让我们热爱生活,热爱我们的家人。



△《意大利视觉挂画》欧阳金桥 个人摄影作品设计师在设计家里所有的结构和造型时,内心没有太多波澜,尽量从必要性、完整性出发。不为了造型而造型,不为了美而美。旋转楼梯之所以存在,是因为没有别的选择可以满足空间尺度和功能性。原本要将梯步做成木头或岩板,后来发现原始的钢板更符合设计的整体气质

△《意大利视觉挂画》欧阳金桥 个人摄影作品设计师在设计家里所有的结构和造型时,内心没有太多波澜,尽量从必要性、完整性出发。不为了造型而造型,不为了美而美。旋转楼梯之所以存在,是因为没有别的选择可以满足空间尺度和功能性。原本要将梯步做成木头或岩板,后来发现原始的钢板更符合设计的整体气质









△三层平面布置项目名称|CASAMIA 欧阳金桥自宅项目地点|中国 成都项目面积|400m²主创设计|欧阳金桥参与设计|欧阳钰茜设计范围|室内、软装、建筑室内设计|成都乔玺空间设计有限公司软装设计|成都乔玺空间设计有限公司项目管理|成都乔玺空间设计有限公司设计时间|2019年2月完成时间|2020年3月项目摄影|聿空间摄影-刘伟项目视频|聿空间摄影-刘思遥硬装品牌|德国海格橱柜、德赛斯岩板、德国帕诺地板、纳莱瓷砖、洛玛诺瓷砖、恩士、贝朗等软装品牌|B&B Italia、Viabizzuno、Davide Groppi、Baxter、Bonaldo、Ligne Roset、Cappellini、Catellan、壹集、Chic等

△三层平面布置项目名称|CASAMIA 欧阳金桥自宅项目地点|中国 成都项目面积|400m²主创设计|欧阳金桥参与设计|欧阳钰茜设计范围|室内、软装、建筑室内设计|成都乔玺空间设计有限公司软装设计|成都乔玺空间设计有限公司项目管理|成都乔玺空间设计有限公司设计时间|2019年2月完成时间|2020年3月项目摄影|聿空间摄影-刘伟项目视频|聿空间摄影-刘思遥硬装品牌|德国海格橱柜、德赛斯岩板、德国帕诺地板、纳莱瓷砖、洛玛诺瓷砖、恩士、贝朗等软装品牌|B&B Italia、Viabizzuno、Davide Groppi、Baxter、Bonaldo、Ligne Roset、Cappellini、Catellan、壹集、Chic等

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CASA MIA 桥和西の自宅

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

新与旧的融合,探索内心本真,设计是创造,创造源于一颗安静的心。 设计师:欧阳金桥 成都乔玺空间设计有限公司 创始人/设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

CASA MIA 桥和西の自宅其余图片:
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