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业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

业主喜欢干干净净简简单单的家,希望装修好后家里显得非常的干净整洁,同时业主也非常喜欢读书,需要家里有舒适的读书环境,明亮整洁的同时需要兼顾舒适惬意,经过沟通与考虑,在色调上用了较多的纯白色,让整体空间显得明快,用了部分的原木色来降低色度,突出温馨感,提高居住的舒适感。设计师:汪亮 巫小伟/威利斯设计团


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

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