柔和婉转 让阳光洒满空间_网易家居图库
















餐厅半融入客厅,视觉上增大面积,使得空间灵动婉转。 户型改造上把景观阳台打通,采光引入客厅,阳光洒满了空间。原始阳台门洞位置采用拱门设计增加柔和感,弱化原始梁带来的压迫感,整屋大量使用业主喜欢的米色、木色、灰色,整个空间干净温暖。

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柔和婉转 让阳光洒满空间

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

洒满阳光的家 风格趋势 / 自然系设计师:邹鹏娇 重庆岩居全案机构 合伙人兼设计总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

柔和婉转 让阳光洒满空间其余图片:
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