主卧 在有限的空间里发挥了最大的功效。电竞房,衣帽间,卫浴空间,睡眠区域综合在一起,独立又静谧,生活充实而有趣。 床头的设计十分考究,简单几笔线条勾勒出宁静而隽永的氛围。这样的设计使得床头成为一个令人心安的地方,营造出舒适的睡眠空间。 在这个主卧中,无论是衣柜还是床头的设计,都体现了整洁、简约的美学理念。每一个细节都被精心考虑,为居住者打造出一个宜居且舒适的环境。
儿童房 空间的局限没用阻碍功能的实现,整面的展示柜,收纳空间充足,又舒适的小床,学习休息都可以的到满足。
玄关 入户原木色的玄关柜,组合柜形式,入户业主可以将风尘仆仆的疲惫收纳入内,临时收纳可以全部完成,配以鲜花增加温馨氛围。 异形个性的穿衣镜贴墙而立,配以多彩可爱的定制画,色彩的跳跃,如烟花划破天际的寂静,欢快热烈的拥抱温馨。
客厅 客餐厅一体,以岛台为衔接,家人闲坐,灯火可亲。整体色调与层次构建的语汇之间,达成了一种更加纯粹,简约,舒适的状态。虽然是安全的黑白灰,但在比例以及分布上的巧思,让整个空间克制又高级,软装在此时凸显功能,跳跃的克莱因蓝,童趣的装饰画,点缀平静的色系客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手,适时而入的苏大人画作,用心装扮的家居环境,会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。
超人的家 优雅伴随着烟火气
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.
超人的家,铺成着些许优雅, 点缀着朵朵繁花。 跳跃着的孩子气 ,弥漫着的烟火气, 勾勒出温馨场景。 玄关可爱的订制画作, 客厅的落地灯出自女主人的巧手, 适时而入的苏大人的画, 用心装扮的家居环境, 会有爱意充盈,会有温暖裹挟。设计师:况倩倩 汤臣装饰设计 主任
Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.