华熙万物 云光水色遇通州_网易家居图库

Through unique design techniques and spatial shaping, the designer seamlessly intertwines the essence of traditional culture with contemporary life, connecting today with the past and injecting hope and strength into the present life and this city. In the fusion of East and West, the inheritance of ancient and modern, and the connection of North and South, a beautiful living experience is created for this era.

通过独特的设计手法和空间塑造,设计师将传统文化的精髓与当代生活恰如其分地交织,将今天与过去联结,为当下的生活和这座城市注入希望与力量。在东西文化融合、古今传承与南北贯通中,创造属于这个时代的美好居住体验。 Through unique design techniques and spatial shaping, the designer seamlessly intertwines the essence of traditional culture with contemporary life, connecting today with the past and injecting hope and strength into the present life and this city. In the fusion of East and West, the inheritance of ancient and modern, and the connection of North and South, a beautiful living experience is created for this era.

The coffee-colored folding door connecting the public area and the office area integrates traditional architectural craftsmanship. The weathered brass echoes the whispers of the years. The VIP room exudes a more solemn and elegant atmosphere, in perfect alignment with the preferences of Yirui Mansion"s clientele who appreciate depth.

Awakening Urban Power
/Integration of Space and Life

Returning to the essence through details and back to the original design intent, we believe that the scale, layout, and functional realization of space should harmonize with lifestyle habits. Personal actions and living spaces engage in a harmonious dialogue to truly achieve comfort and joy in the space. Using art and culture to create a spatial atmosphere with a sense of temporality, infusing the spirit of symbiosis between nature and space into the beauty of our lives.

连接公共区和办公区的咖色折叠门融入了传统建筑的形制工艺,做旧的黄铜沉淀岁月低语。VIP室氛围更为庄重典雅,与颐瑞府所面向的客群偏好深度契合。 The coffee-colored folding door connecting the public area and the office area integrates traditional architectural craftsmanship. The weathered brass echoes the whispers of the years. The VIP room exudes a more solemn and elegant atmosphere, in perfect alignment with the preferences of Yirui Mansion's clientele who appreciate depth. 唤醒城市力量 /空间与生活相融 Awakening Urban Power /Integration of Space and Life “由细节回归本质,回到设计初心,我们认为空间的尺度、格局、功能实现度应该与生活习惯相协调,个人行为与生活空间和谐对话,才能真正实现人在空间里的惬意和愉悦。以艺术与文化去创造有着时间性的空间意境,将自然与空间共生的精神融进我们的生活之美。” Returning to the essence through details and back to the original design intent, we believe that the scale, layout, and functional realization of space should harmonize with lifestyle habits. Personal actions and living spaces engage in a harmonious dialogue to truly achieve comfort and joy in the space. Using art and culture to create a spatial atmosphere with a sense of temporality, infusing the spirit of symbiosis between nature and space into the beauty of our lives.

The rectangular floor-to-ceiling windows integrate the outdoors and natural light as a whole. Delicate layers of picturesque mountains and waters subtly appear at the end of the sight, as if the space is rooted in solid ground, flourishing in endless nature. The negotiation area basks in the gentle natural light, and the traditional chandelier, symbolizing cultural impact, hangs above the bar, creating a moment of cultural reflection.

条形落地窗将室外与自然光整体纳入,淡雅的层峦写意山水在视线尽头若隐若现,空间似扎根于坚实大地,生发于无尽的自然。洽谈区在柔和的自然光中松弛惬意,从传统中取义构型的吊灯位于吧台上方,体量的巨大反差给人以文化冲击和一刻凝神。 The rectangular floor-to-ceiling windows integrate the outdoors and natural light as a whole. Delicate layers of picturesque mountains and waters subtly appear at the end of the sight, as if the space is rooted in solid ground, flourishing in endless nature. The negotiation area basks in the gentle natural light, and the traditional chandelier, symbolizing cultural impact, hangs above the bar, creating a moment of cultural reflection.

"Fu Yao" and "Zhi Shui" resonate with each other, suspended above the art foyer. The crystal-clear acrylic has the momentum of riding the wind, resembling clouds and mists ascending with "Fu Yao." The "Rainwood" large board, carved by contemporary lacquer techniques, combines with "Zhi Shui" to create a scene of misty mountains and forests.

《扶摇》与《至水》遥相呼应,悬于艺术前厅上空,晶莹的亚克力有乘风之势,似云雾扶摇直上。“雨木”大板结合当代流漆做法手雕而成,在《至水》共构一幅云雾山林之景。 'Fu Yao' and 'Zhi Shui' resonate with each other, suspended above the art foyer. The crystal-clear acrylic has the momentum of riding the wind, resembling clouds and mists ascending with 'Fu Yao.' The 'Rainwood' large board, carved by contemporary lacquer techniques, combines with 'Zhi Shui' to create a scene of misty mountains and forests.

Entering the comprehensive negotiation area through the "floating stone," white stone and transparent glass form a light landscape staircase. The negotiation area, water bar, office area, etc., unfold around the landscape stairs.

经“浮游之石”进入综合洽谈区,白色石材与通透的玻璃构成轻盈的景观楼梯,洽谈区、水吧、办公区等围绕景观楼梯展开。 Entering the comprehensive negotiation area through the 'floating stone,' white stone and transparent glass form a light landscape staircase. The negotiation area, water bar, office area, etc., unfold around the landscape stairs.

Facade Details

A group of arrayed glowing deconstructed lamps hangs from the solidified "lake" in the ceiling. The light makes the ceiling"s water ripples gently, illuminating the sand table like a city on an oasis, gently lit by the river of time. Metal appears repeatedly throughout the space, resonating with the stable stone and wood veneer, creating an elegant and exquisite interplay of light and shadow.

立面细节 Facade Details 一组阵列发光的解构灯具从天花凝固的“湖面”垂吊而下,灯光使天花水波浮动,沙盘如一座绿洲上的城市被时间之河温柔地照亮。金属在整个空间中反复出现,与沉稳的石材、木饰面激荡出优雅精妙,明暗也在此间有了生命。 A group of arrayed glowing deconstructed lamps hangs from the solidified 'lake' in the ceiling. The light makes the ceiling's water ripples gently, illuminating the sand table like a city on an oasis, gently lit by the river of time. Metal appears repeatedly throughout the space, resonating with the stable stone and wood veneer, creating an elegant and exquisite interplay of light and shadow.

Housing Model Sand Table Area and Electronic Display Screen

户型沙盘区及电子显示屏 Housing Model Sand Table Area and Electronic Display Screen

”至水“ 与”扶摇“是系列作品,讲述从天空到大地的场景转化,水入池中,波光层层浮现,取义“扶摇—至水”。
Art Installation "Zhi Shui"
Zhi Shui" and "Fu Yao" are part of a series, depicting the transformation from the sky to the earth. Water enters the pool, layers of ripples emerge, symbolizing "Fu Yao to Zhi Shui.

In the sales office space, a steady and gentlemanly gray tone permeates the entire area. The functional layout, presented in a concise and orderly manner, seamlessly transitions through design composition. The integration of texture and color unifies the space, creating a charming overall open area juxtaposed with the more private back section. As one enters, the imagery of mountains, water, pavilions, and residences unfolds, deconstructed and reshaped with the texture of natural stone, embodying the history of the millennium-old city. The natural charm of mountains and waters in the pavilions and buildings is condensed into still installations and objects. The elegant Eastern cultural heritage gradually reveals itself through self-expression in space and changes in lighting, merging space with nature, history with the present, and people with their pure and simple living environment.

East Meets West
/Blending to Form a Grand View

《至水》艺术装置 ”至水“ 与”扶摇“是系列作品,讲述从天空到大地的场景转化,水入池中,波光层层浮现,取义“扶摇—至水”。 Art Installation 'Zhi Shui' Zhi Shui' and 'Fu Yao' are part of a series, depicting the transformation from the sky to the earth. Water enters the pool, layers of ripples emerge, symbolizing 'Fu Yao to Zhi Shui. 进入售楼处空间,沉稳的绅士灰调贯穿了整个空间。简明有序的功能分布通过设计构成方式自然过渡,又被肌理与色彩语言统一起来,形成一个富于魅力的整体开放区与后场块面相对,比例平衡、张力毕现。进入内部,城市与自然的意象逐一显露,山、水、亭、宅被材料肌理解构重塑,千年古城的历史暗藏在厚重粗粝的天然石材深处;山水楼榭的自然意趣凝练于静止的装置与物象中;优雅的东方文脉在空间的自我表述和光线的变化中逐一显现。空间与自然、历史与当下、人与所居之所纯粹简净地融为一体。 In the sales office space, a steady and gentlemanly gray tone permeates the entire area. The functional layout, presented in a concise and orderly manner, seamlessly transitions through design composition. The integration of texture and color unifies the space, creating a charming overall open area juxtaposed with the more private back section. As one enters, the imagery of mountains, water, pavilions, and residences unfolds, deconstructed and reshaped with the texture of natural stone, embodying the history of the millennium-old city. The natural charm of mountains and waters in the pavilions and buildings is condensed into still installations and objects. The elegant Eastern cultural heritage gradually reveals itself through self-expression in space and changes in lighting, merging space with nature, history with the present, and people with their pure and simple living environment. 东意西境 /交融而得大观 East Meets West /Blending to Form a Grand View

Art Installation "Jin Shi’
The artist combines the majestic momentum of the mansion to create the "floating stone"—it is ethereal, flowing, and an extraction and gathering of time.

With the concept of "paying contemporary respects to the East," in the designer"s shaping of space, "elegant Eastern living, poetic dwelling" has a richer modernity. Enduring reflections on the meaning of living and philosophical considerations have become a place worth dwelling in the urban space, expanding the dimensions of life and time.

《锦石》艺术装置 艺术家结合府之韵的磅礴之势,打造”浮游之石“——是空灵,是流淌,是对时间的萃取与聚集。 Art Installation 'Jin Shi’ The artist combines the majestic momentum of the mansion to create the 'floating stone'—it is ethereal, flowing, and an extraction and gathering of time. “以当代致敬东方”的理念应运而生,在设计师对空间的塑造中,“风雅东方,诗意栖居”具有了更丰富的现代性,对居住意义和生活哲学的恒久思考也化一处值得永居的城市空间,拓展生活与时间的维度。 With the concept of 'paying contemporary respects to the East,' in the designer's shaping of space, 'elegant Eastern living, poetic dwelling' has a richer modernity. Enduring reflections on the meaning of living and philosophical considerations have become a place worth dwelling in the urban space, expanding the dimensions of life and time.

Art Installation “Fu Yao”
Presented in a dynamic form, resembling clouds, rain, and mist. Acrylic, crystal clear, seamlessly integrates into space, with a sense of riding the wind.

Following the traditional Chinese spirit of creating a home as a small world—distant mountains, ponds, ancient trees, and pavilions coexist. These elements embody people"s values and yearnings for nature and spiritual spaces. In the modern era, blending into the cityscape has become a contemporary solution to these traditional aspirations. Architectural spaces actively embody their spiritual significance.

《扶摇》艺术装置 以动态形式呈现的,似云、似雨、似雾 以亚克力的晶莹剔透融入空间,亦有乘风之势 Art Installation “Fu Yao” Presented in a dynamic form, resembling clouds, rain, and mist. Acrylic, crystal clear, seamlessly integrates into space, with a sense of riding the wind. 按照中国人的传统精神,造房子是造一个小世界:上段远山,中段池水,近处老树,树下有亭,顶覆茅草。其中饱含人们对自然、居所、精神空间的价值向往。进入现代,隐于都市成为了这种传统寄望的当代解法,而建筑空间也更积极地实践着其精神意义。 Following the traditional Chinese spirit of creating a home as a small world—distant mountains, ponds, ancient trees, and pavilions coexist. These elements embody people's values and yearnings for nature and spiritual spaces. In the modern era, blending into the cityscape has become a contemporary solution to these traditional aspirations. Architectural spaces actively embody their spiritual significance.

Today"s Tongzhou Canal Business District

Tongzhou, established in the early Western Han Dynasty, has a history of over 2000 years. As a crucial town connecting the capital"s gates with the heartland, Tongzhou was the endpoint of the 3000-mile Grand Canal journey from south to north during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Today, Tongzhou has become Beijing"s sub-center, preserving the clouds and waters while the disappeared sailboats and canoes linger in people"s imaginations of the city"s history. The millennium-old water routes and canal culture gently descend into the contemporary era, creating a new era of "elegant Eastern living.

中隐于市/ 形塑城市空间
Hidden in the City/Shaping Urban Spaces

今通州运河商务区 Today's Tongzhou Canal Business District 通州于西汉初年始建迄今已余2000年,作为京畿重镇与水陆枢钮连接京师大门与中原腹地。明清两代,通州是京杭大运河3000里水路由南至北的旅途终点。如今,通州已成北京城市副中心,云光水色仍在,而消失的蒲帆舟楫沉淀为人们对于城市历史的恒久想象.千年水路与运河文化激荡出的华夏荣光轻轻落于当代,幻化出“风雅东方,诗意栖居”时代新貌。 Tongzhou, established in the early Western Han Dynasty, has a history of over 2000 years. As a crucial town connecting the capital's gates with the heartland, Tongzhou was the endpoint of the 3000-mile Grand Canal journey from south to north during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Today, Tongzhou has become Beijing's sub-center, preserving the clouds and waters while the disappeared sailboats and canoes linger in people's imaginations of the city's history. The millennium-old water routes and canal culture gently descend into the contemporary era, creating a new era of 'elegant Eastern living. 中隐于市/ 形塑城市空间 Hidden in the City/Shaping Urban Spaces

Canal Supervision Map (Qing Dynasty/Partial)

运河督运图(清代/局部) Canal Supervision Map (Qing Dynasty/Partial)

Project Location Map

"Tongzhou, situated east of the capital, above the Lugu River. All tributes from the four directions and nations that reach the capital via water routes must converge here." To the north of Yirui Mansion in Beijing"s Tongzhou is the North Canal, bordered to the south by the Liangshui River. Eastwards, it leans against the Urban Forest Park, providing a view of clouds, light, and vibrant life at the confluence of the two rivers.

项目区位图 Project Location Map “通州在京城之东,潞河之上。凡四方万国贡赋由水路而达京师者,必萃于此。”北京颐瑞府北面通州北运河,南邻凉水河,于两河交汇处东倚城市森林公园,一览云光水色、璀璨生息。 "Tongzhou, situated east of the capital, above the Lugu River. All tributes from the four directions and nations that reach the capital via water routes must converge here." To the north of Yirui Mansion in Beijing's Tongzhou is the North Canal, bordered to the south by the Liangshui River. Eastwards, it leans against the Urban Forest Park, providing a view of clouds, light, and vibrant life at the confluence of the two rivers.


Art Installation "Rui Fu Ni Chang
Extracting radicals from the characters of "Yirui Mansion," deconstructing them with contemporary design language using deconstructivist techniques, reshaping the golden threads and jade garments.

From the canal culture of Tongzhou to contemporary Eastern aesthetics, WWD Huaxi integrates nature, art, and the joy of life, paying homage to the spirit of the canal and the Eastern cultural context, depicting a pleasant urban living scene—abundant and prosperous, ethereal and magnificent.

Clouds, Light, and Waters
Echoes of the East

《瑞福霓裳》艺术装置 提取“颐瑞府”汉字中的偏旁部首作为拆解元素,以解构主义的手法用当代的设计语言,重塑了金缕玉衣。 Art Installation 'Rui Fu Ni Chang Extracting radicals from the characters of 'Yirui Mansion,' deconstructing them with contemporary design language using deconstructivist techniques, reshaping the golden threads and jade garments. 从通州运河文化徐徐推演至当代东方美学与力量,WWD华熙万物以自然、艺术、生活之趣,以对运河精神和东方文脉的致敬,描绘愉悦的城市居住图景——福瑞丰沛、空灵磅礴。 From the canal culture of Tongzhou to contemporary Eastern aesthetics, WWD Huaxi integrates nature, art, and the joy of life, paying homage to the spirit of the canal and the Eastern cultural context, depicting a pleasant urban living scene—abundant and prosperous, ethereal and magnificent. 云光水色 /一脉东方意韵 Clouds, Light, and Waters Echoes of the East

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华熙万物 云光水色遇通州

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

云光水色遇通州 北京通州东小马 Clouds and Waters Meet Tongzhou In Dongxiaoma, Tongzhou, Beijing设计师:劉卷卷 北京华熙万物设计有限公司 创始人 、创意总监


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

华熙万物 云光水色遇通州其余图片:
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